i-Image My ImagineIT project has been developed on the strong belief that mathematics is everywhere, beyond the subject matter and the classroom, I just need to unfold it for my students. My mission as a teacher is to share my idea and passion for mathematics with students. Exposing them to real-world applications of mathematics is how I will translate abstract mathematical concepts into a common language and to give purpose to the discipline that lies in the heart of mathematics. My i- Images present the big idea in the forms of natural and man-made applications of mathematics. I want my students to see, imagine and reveal mathematics through engagement, creativity and technology in the classroom. I used the Google drawing application to create my i-Images. The photos used in ImagineIT came from my exploration of various exhibitions at the Museum of Science & Industry. The quotes used were found using web sites, like https://www.google.com/search?q=nature+is+written+in+mathematical+language&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS526US526&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=667&tbm=isch, and http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/mathematics.html.
i-Video While creating the i-Video I had in mind the big idea which is the real-world application of mathematics. Once again, I show that mathematics is everywhere and students need to open their eyes to see it in the natural world as well as within man-made creations. Sometimes, we have to look deeper to find what we are looking for, for example we can interpret photos in many different ways. Therefore, I did not use a lot of footage describing the pictures because I would like my students to decode them individually. My i-Video includes two fundamental questions essential for real-world application of math- 1) Can you see mathematics? and 2) Can you apply mathematics? I created my video using Google Drawing, YouTube Editor and I used pictures from the pexels web site as well as my private collection, mainly pictures taken at the Museum of Science & Industry.